Friday, August 02, 2013

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Hi,Welcome to my corner on the interwebs! Here we discuss everything from mobile gadgets to gaming, space flight and astronomy to photography you name it, if it’s at all tech related and or space related it’s probably gonna end up on here. Personally I’m a computer repairs technician with a passion for PC gaming and computer graphics and well pretty much anything computer related. The Mobile scene is also an area I spend a lot of time exploring, watching as these pocket sized companions we know as smartphones grow exceedingly more capable with each generation. I have been messing about with smartphones or PDAs since the old pocket PC days and it’s amazing how far we have come in only a few years. These little things are running games at 1080p that can easily out class a 3Ds or even PSvita and can easily run old school PC games without breaking a sweat, it’s amazing really!  Now if only they had proper controls, yea tapping on glass just doesn’t work…… all! I am also budding astronomer/space nut! Learning the constellations and being able to locate different celestial objects in the night sky is awesome! Comet ISON springs to mind as it has the potential to become the brightest comet ever seen, or the sun could rip it to smithereens before it gets a chance to wow us with its magnificence. Here’s hoping that comet ISON won’t disappoint come later this year then eh. Anyway that’s all from me right now, here’s to a wonderful and informative journey together!


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