Friday, August 09, 2013

Posted Posted by Unknown in , Comments No comments

We live in Hurricane alley, can't we make the time and effort to run the electrical and telecommunications lines underground? I know it would be a significant investment, but with the significant monthly bills we pay, surely they can invest some of that revenue in this PREVENTATIVE solution rather than 'patch-up' every time a storm passes through.
Yes the financial investment will be significant, however it is a conversion the nation needs to have. Especially on a community basis to decide whether to adopt the Hope Pastures' model and the acceptance of their fair share of the investment to implement the conversion. But the status-quo of the power lines suspended from poles in a storm / hurricane zone is as sane as people in Florida and the Mid-West of America building and rebuilding their houses of ply-board in the face of Hurricanes and Tornadoes. Sure its cheap and easy to do, but its unsustainable. Wouldn't it be better to spend the money to build it properly once so as it lasts for generations, rather than the cheap, quick way that has to fixed at yearly intervals?


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