Tuesday, August 20, 2013

Posted Posted by Unknown in Comments No comments

Yup you read that right! The Division is heading to the PC. The Division is easily one of the most impressive games to come out of this year’s E3 so imagine my disappointment when no PC version was announced. Well things are looking up! Turns out that we the gamers are the ones that made this possible as thousands signed an online petition to have the game released on the PC. Ubisoft hasn’t been in the good books of us PC gamers as of late, with their draconian always online DRM implementations and what not. This could be a step in the right direction, a piece offering if you will for all the crimes they committed against the PC. Now that I think of it, they did scrap that nasty DRM a few months back so maybe they really are trying to change……….I still got my eyes on you Ubi! Anyway, no release date has been announced as yet and I doubt we will get it at the same time as the consoles but either way…..we’re getting it! Lets hope they don't give us a crappy port! 

Source: Ubisoft


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