Wednesday, August 28, 2013

Posted Posted by Unknown in Comments 1 comment
Nintendo announced today that it is cutting the price of the deluxe model Wii U to $299.99 for the holiday season. That’s a $50 price cut. This comes as no surprise as the Wii U hasn’t been exactly lighting the sales charts on fire. The system has sold 3.6 million units since it launched back in fall 2012 and that may sound like a pretty good haul but trust me…… isn’t. In fact, Nintendo only managed to sell 160,000 units globally in the past 3 months! Because of the systems poor sales figures, it’s no wonder why third party publishers are shying away, some completely abandoning the console all together. 

The Wii U is already at a disadvantage when compared to the upcoming XBOX ONE and PS4 in terms of raw graphical power. It would have been pretty difficult to market the Wii U at its original $350 price when the much more powerful PS4 will be available for only $399. Let’s face people like shiny new things, gamers are no different.

The big N is relying on upcoming titles such as Wind Waker HD, Pikmin 3, The wonderful 101 and Super Smash Bros. WiiU to bolster the systems sales. Add the now official price cut into the mix and this could be the recipe that Nintendo needs to get the Wii U train rolling.

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