Wednesday, August 21, 2013

Posted Posted by Unknown in Comments 3 comments
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Look at me and tell me that this isn't the sweetest thing you have ever seen in your life! Ok maybe not in your life, but still the sweetest computing tech you have seen all day right!? What you see before you is the brain child of forum member Peter Brands. Dubbed the Cross, this thing of beauty is successor to Peter’s award winning L3p D3sk Silent work station, a mod that won him bit-tech’s Mod of the year title. After winning the award Peter and six others set out to bring his creation to the masses. The Cross is the result of their efforts.  The Cross consists of a powder-coated metal desk with space for a two PC config. Machined ventilation grills on either side provide the desk/chassis hybrid with adequate air flow. Also you have space for a ton of drives and other components. Topping it all off is a scratch resistant glass allowing you to see all your computing bits and pieces happily crunching away at data.

So you’re probably wondering about the price of all this win? Well it’s going to set you back US$1,699, potential customer in Europe are going to have to pay an additional $390 for shipping for a total of US$2,089. 

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Material:    Steel and Aluminum, Powder Coated
PSU Mount:    1 standard
Max PSU Mounts:    2*
Motherboard Compatibility:    mITX, ITX, mATX, ATX, E-ATX†, XL-ATX†, SSI-EEB†, HPTX†
Standard Expansion Slots:    8, 10†
Maximum Expansion Slots:    8+8*, 10†+8*
5.25” Drive Bays:    4 (2×2)
3.5” Drive Locations:    8 (left side) + 12 (right side)
2.5” Drive Locations:    6 (right side) + 12 (center, hidden)
Glass Type:    Scratch Resistant, Tempered with Frosted Border, 10mm
Front Ports:    USB 3.0 x 2, Audio, Mic, 22mm Power and Switch x 2
Max Front Ports:    USB 3.0 x 4, Audio x 2, Mic x 2, 22mm Power and Switch x 4*
Cooling Fan Locations:    120mm x 3 (left), 120mm x 3 (right), 120mm x 8 (back)
Radiator capacity:    2 x 480 mm rad (back), 1 x 360 (right), 1 x 360 (left)
Physical Dimensions (L x W x H):    59.1” x 28.6” x 30.1” (1502mm x 726mm x 765mm)
Package Dimensions (LxWxH):    65″x 33.5″ x 25″ (1650 mm x 850 mm x 635 mm)

*available with the Dual PC upgrade kit       †available with the XL-Motherboard Kit