Monday, August 19, 2013

Posted Posted by Unknown in Comments No comments

Comparison between ENB mod and vanilla game.

ENB mods are awesome and can completely change the way a game looks! In this case I’m talking about Skyrim. ENB mods make the game feel so much more alive! Adding a whole new layer of immersion to the already wonderfully realized world of Skyrim. The added graphical effects available to you are just incredible. Sunlight peeking through tree branches in the forests, dynamic depth of field, more realistic shadows, Hollywood style lens flares, and the list goes on! The problem however is your frame rate is going to take a serious nose dive the more of these lovely graphical options you enable, and honestly I like silky smooth frame rates. Long story short, your PC has to be up to snuff to handle all this added eye candy!

Running vanilla on ultra-settings I get on average 55-60 fps outdoors and a solid 60 indoors. But Once I flip the switch on the ENB mod it’s all downhill. Outdoor FPS nose-dives to about 28fps and indoors it’s like 39-48fps. I currently run a modestly specced system with a i7 3570k, Radeon HD6870 with 8GB of RAM and even the lightest ENB mod will give your gpu some serious work to do.

There are gamers who prefer the look and feel of the vanilla game however. I respect that, I have to admit that even I revert back to vanilla every now and then and honestly there are places that look really great in the vanilla game. At the end of the day I always end up running back to my favorite ENB mods again.
Anyway what do you guys say? ENB or no ENB?

My Top 5 ENB Mods for Skyrim.

  1. K-ENB
  2. Seasons of Skyrim ENB
  3. Sharphooters ENB
  4. NextGen ENB
  5. CinemaScope ENB


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