Tuesday, August 27, 2013

Posted Posted by Unknown in Comments 1 comment

DICE already gave us a peak at the levels of utter destruction possible during a multiplayer match. Now we get a glimpse at what DICE is calling, wait for it…….”Levolution”! Weather will change dynamically as the match progresses, forcing you to change tactics so as to adapt to current conditions. Then there are the game changing events like breaching a dam, flooding an entire section of a map. Or taking out an entire skyscraper!  These aren’t just fancy demonstrations of what the Frostbite 3 Engine is capable of(well maybe) these events will quite literally change the layout of each map. It seems like everything’s out to give you a bad day, not just your opponents. Imagine sneaking up on an enemy taking cover near a car only to have the alarm of said car go off as you approach it, completely blowing your cover! Yep bad day!

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