Wednesday, May 13, 2015

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There are 2 forces in this world capable of limitless creative power, Lego Blocks and Duct Tape! Although I’m pretty sure no duct tape was used in the making of this beautiful work of art! If it exists, you can build it out of Legos I always say and this my friends is proof. This has got to be the most impressive Lego creation I have seen in a very, very long time! Star Wars fan or not, this is a masterpiece! A prime example of creativity and skill……and the awesomeness that is Lego and Star Wars mind you. The attention to detail is incredible. Every corridor, every pipe down to the very last bulkhead is represented accurately here. Even Han and Chewy fit comfortably on the flight deck! The “Lego Falcon” yea that’s what I’m calling it, took 2 months of meticulous planning and Lego stacking to complete and features LED lights strategically placed throughout the ol falcon that truly brings her to life!
Titan Creations, the masterminds behind the Lego Falcon are based out of Singapore and built the Falcon for Legoland Malaysia’s May 4th Star Wars Day event. 

Check out the pics below to get a better sense of what the Lego Falcon looks like. If you’re interested to learn more about the brilliant people behind this amazing build, check out their Facebook page Titan Creations.


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