Monday, March 31, 2014

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AMD's next Gen flagship graphics card could be just around the corner as the company has been teasing us with abstract images via twitter using the hash-tag #2betterthan1. The latest Tweet is a little bit more revealing stating “it’s coming. Do you have what it takes?” Accompanying that tweet is the image seen below. What we have here is either the design for the upcoming air cooler shroud or a full-coverage water block. Now if I am correct and this is a water block, this would mark the first time that a reference design card ships with a liquid cooler instead of traditional air cooling. Whatever the case the 295X2 has its work cut out for it as NVIDIA recently threw a monkey wrench into AMD’s game plans by releasing a dual chip monster of their own, the TITAN Z. Honestly I don’t know if the 295X2 will be as fast as the Z but one thing is for sure even if it is faster, it’s definitely not gonna cost $3,000!!! 


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