Monday, March 31, 2014

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We have been hearing rumors of a 4.4.3 Android build out in the wild and it is to be expected as the nexus 5 camera bugs are still present. Turns out that this new build could be made available sooner rather than later. New evidence shows a Nexus 5 running a new KTU83 Build. If you’re wondering what new amazing features will be included however, don’t get too excited  as the new version most likely won’t add much in the way of features,...
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AMD's next Gen flagship graphics card could be just around the corner as the company has been teasing us with abstract images via twitter using the hash-tag #2betterthan1. The latest Tweet is a little bit more revealing stating “it’s coming. Do you have what it takes?” Accompanying that tweet is the image seen below. What we have here is either the design for the upcoming air cooler shroud or a full-coverage water block. Now if I am correct...

Saturday, March 29, 2014

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So Cut the Rope 2 is finally out on Android but man oh man is it filled to the brim with in app purchases! I sure hope Zeptolab releases a paid version because this freemium model could be the death of a very creative and entertaining game. Every few rounds you have to sit through ads & more ads! Now ads in mobile games are nothing new however the latest trend is to have full on video ads for different products between gameplay. It’s sad really...