Monday, September 02, 2013

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Blackberry Z30
The popularity of "phablets" (as the industry has taken to calling them) is on the rise. These devices offer a large display, while still reaming reasonably pocket-able. Samsung currently leads the charge with the Galaxy Note series while HTC is working on a "MAX" version of the popular HTC ONE. Sony has the Xperia Z Ultra but that's bordering on 7 inch tablet territory! Blackberry is looking to jump in on the phablet action with the blackberry Z30 aka the A10 aka Aristo. Whatever you want to call it, the Z30 is destined to be the company’s new BB 10 flagship device for the holidays. In terms of specs, its pretty decent. What we have to work with is a 1.7GHz dual core processor, 2GB RAM, 8MP camera, 5inch 720p display and that’s all powered by a 2800mAh battery. Like I said, decent, but it’s going to be pretty darn hard for blackberry to convince customers to drop their hard earned cash on it! The Z30 is going up against some strong competition! It will have LG's Powerhouse G2, the Note 3, the iphone 5S, the previously mentioned HTC One MAX and the new Nexus to contend with later this year! I'm just saying, it isn't going to be easy. This has been BlackBerry's big problem with BB 10 over the past couple months. It’s not that they aren't making good hardware, and the BlackBerry 10 OS is pretty good. But they just lack that, "shut up and take may money" feature that they need to sell units. Android has basically got every base covered, every check mark ticked. Android currently has a great selection of hardware, and the most customizable OS on the market. A huge selection of applications second only to iOS while BB 10’s app selection is still in the pupa stages. Blackberry has a monumental task ahead. Although BB10 was well received by blackberry fans earlier this year, it still wasn’t enough to turn the company’s fortunes around. I just don’t see the Z30 changing that much.

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